Bachelor / Masters/ Ph.D.

These degrees are the standard degrees that are recognized around the world as an “undergraduate degree.” In Australia, the average amount of time needed to complete a bachelor’s level degree is anywhere from three to four years, depending on university and the degree that you are pursuing. Most fields that require any type of research are the ones that usually take four years.

The Main Types of Undergraduate Qualifications Offered by Most Higher Education Institutions are as Follows

Bachelor Degree

Bachelor degrees provide initial preparation for professional careers and postgraduate study and involve a minimum of three years of full-time study (some institutions offer a fast-track system, which allows students to complete a three-year degree in two years).

Entry typically requires completion of an Australian secondary school certificate of education (Year 12) or the overseas equivalent, or a diploma or advanced diploma from the Vocational Education and Training(VET) sector.

Bachelor Degree (Honours)

Honours may require an optional additional year of study (usually research based) following a three-year degree or may be awarded for academic achievement in degrees of four or more years. Courses are undertaken after student have completed their undergraduate degrees or by individuals with substantial relevant work experience. Postgraduate courses include graduate certificates graduate diploma, masters and PhD degrees.

Graduate Certificate

Graduate certificates and graduate diplomas in take approximately one year after earning a Bachelor level degree. After you complete graduate certificate or graduate diploma you will have the skills you need for advanced job positions or for further postgraduate education. You may also pursue a graduate certificate if you are considering a change in career or desire to pursue a Master’s degree in a field that is not related to Bachelor’s degree.

Master’s Degree

Master’s degrees are one of the higher levels of postgraduate education. These degrees are usually focused on research and academia instead of advancement in the work force. Pursuing Master’s degree, you will have more of a focus on your chosen field of study than you did during your bachelor’s studies. This is the case because there are no general education requirements related to the degree. It takes approximately two years of study (after earning your Bachelor’s degree) for you to obtain a Master’s level degree.

Doctorate Degrees

Doctorate degrees are the highest level of education that you can receive in the world which includes PhD’s, M.D.’s, DPT’s, law degrees, DDS’s, and a variety of other degrees, each named for the profession(s) that they degree is related to. Doctoral degrees can take anywhere from 3 to 6 years to complete, based on factors such as your current employment status, what field you are studying, and how long it takes to complete your dissertation. At the end of your doctoral studies, you are considered to have the highest level of expertise that you can have in your selected field.



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